During my time at school, I noticed that students were struggling to articulate or see their designs in a 3D space. Therefore, I wanted to design a kit that made models look professional, and give the chance for users to rapidly experiment before committing to a design.
Research consisted of looking at current methods of prototyping. A popular choice is Lego. Their success lies in the temporary, reusable and simple connecting system.
Therefore, development was based on using components that replicate commonly used mechanisms or forms, with processes that are quick and mess free.

Every component was individually developed through Foam and Card Modelling to maximise its performance.
The components were also tested together to see if they could model a design with a clean finish.

If I were to do the project differently, I would aim to reduce the weight and overall size of the product to make it more portable. Otherwise, I was pleased with user involvement in the project and maximisation of performance.
Design Tags: CAD | Card and Foam Modelling | Prototyping
Main Product
Each aspect of the casing was considered in how it could support in an educational context. The boxes had different corner joints, were made from the three primary materials you are taught at school, and more so can be used as a visual prompt in lessons.
A prototype was manufactured with the aid of 3D printing or Jigs for repeated parts.
The parts include magnets, so you can reuse connections. You can also involve pencils, so you are not restricted to the kit.
Supporting Product
The instruction guide with accompanying Powerpoint presentations and lesson plans helps the user explore possibilities and teach pupils the key topics in the DT curriculum.